My hope for Green Persuasion is to shed light and feature the beauty that Hamilton and its surrounding area has to offer. Aside from being named the 'Waterfall Capital of the World', Hamilton has many conservation areas, community gardens, parks, waterfront strips, forests, beaches etc. to venture if only people knew they existed and where they are.
I encourage every to share their adventures with me and with others who may find themselves browsing the pages of Green Persuasion. I am not claiming to be the first to discover Hamilton's beauty, but I want to share with you what I think is so great about this city I call my home. I want to share my passion with as many people as possible with the ambition that they will form a positive attitude about the Hamilton.
As for myself...
My name is Anca Mihaela Nichifor, 25 years old. I am a graduate of McMaster University. I finished an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with a Minor in Health Studies. My concentration in philosophy was applied ethics, especially in medicine; treatment of patients' autonomy, child development, vulnerable sectors and the like.
Ever since I was a little girl I've had an ardor for writing. I wrote endless journals, poems, opinions and of course, like any girl, numerous affections of the heart.
When I started University, my personal writing slowly diminished. Upon completion of my studies, I knew this was something I wanted to turn to once again and what better way than to start one's own blog?
Anyways, I hope you enjoy pa-rousing through Green Persuasion pages and don't be shy to leave a comment or two..
Thanks for stopping by,
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